Empowering Leaders

Open Doors helps create environments where community leaders can thrive. There are already people in the communities we serve who have been through the process of discovering their purpose and are making a difference. These are the ones who are applying what they have to those who need it. They are engaging their gifts and talents to make an impact in the lives of others. We simply look for ways to empower those people who are already caring for their neighbors. Our approach is stated well by the author, Simon Sinek ,

“[Our role] is not to come up with all the great ideas. [Our role] is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.”
– Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.

Our approach to empowering indigenous/local leaders

At Open Doors, we look for ways to enhance the environment for local leaders who are doing good. Our job is very simply to help them succeed. Here are some of the ways we support local leaders:

  • Providing travel funding for leaders to help scale their reach

  • Supporting events that brought community together

  • Providing equipment for an organization that is repairing homes and buildings

  • Supporting training activities to help leaders learn grow

We encourage you join with us and help create environments where local leaders can thrive.


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