
Open Doors Arizona provides an Adopt-a-School program that connects you to schools serving children in marginalized or underserved populations. You will learn about the needs of the students, teachers, and administrators. We make it easy for you to meet those needs by providing instructions for shipment or we will deliver resources to the schools.

Why Support for Secondary Education Matters

I remember going through a period of time when I asked myself, “What topics am I passionate about? What am I really good at doing?” These probing questions eventually led me to a vision of what I wanted to do with my lives. When I looked back to when I was a young student, I saw attributes that were already evident in my life.

We are all born with something special inside, something unique. Education empowers us to become skilled in those areas that we care about. We believe it is important to encourage education so students will grow in knowledge and skill.

What if we were able to encourage students at a young age to recognize the special gift they have inside, and to help them grow in knowledge and practice to become really skilled? We would be supporting their pathway to purpose. We can do this by resourcing educators who are helping children grow and learn and experience life in a way that will propel them into a positive future.

Resources provided by Open Doors to schools in marginalized and underserved communities include:

  • Food

  • Clothing

  • Christmas gifts

  • Supplies like toiletries, cleaning resources, batteries

  • Fundraising and sponsorships for students

We encourage you join with us and Adopt A School to encourage children in their journey to discover their purpose in life.


College Retention